Responsive images learning

Using the HTML image-src-set and the HTML picture -tag. View this page in various viewport widths. The web browser will determine which image to load.


HTML demo's

HTML img-tag with srcset & sizes attributes for increased performance

Smaller canvas- and file-size of the same image (not cropped). For better loading performance and saving bandwidth. The image below is loaded in various canvas sizes depending on the viewport width.

President Obama greets hospital personnel in the intensive care unit at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan on May 1. The president presented 10 Purple Hearts, three of them in the ICU. <img
  width="1080" height="726"
  alt="Barack Obama presenting Purple Hearts"
  srcset="/img/obama.jpg?tr=w-1024 1024w, /img/obama.jpg?tr=w-768 768w, /img/obama.jpg?tr=w-480 480w"
  sizes="(min-width: 480px) 100vw, 100vw">

HTML picture-tag with source-elements for (optional) art-direction in various viewports

Different cropped versions of the same image. For better art-direction and performance. The crop of the image below changes in various viewports. Keeping the focus on the subject.

President Obama greets hospital personnel in the intensive care unit at Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan on May 1. The president presented 10 Purple Hearts, three of them in the ICU. <picture>
  <source srcset="/img/obama.jpg?tr=w-400,h-240,cm-extract,xc-850,yc-170" media="(max-width: 800px)">
  <source srcset="/img/obama.jpg?tr=w-700,h-400,cm-extract,xc-670,yc-250" media="(max-width: 1200px)">
  <img src="/img/obama.jpg" width="1080" height="726" alt="Barack Obama presenting Purple Hearts">